Family photos at Brock House Wedding


Here is a sample family photo list to get you started. Most people create 10-15 groupings of the most important people. Remember to keep each group to less than 35 people. We’ve created two fictional people Lennon and Finley to help illustrate our sample list ? If you could include first names (rather than just “mom” and “dad”) that would be super helpful too!

Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Parents (Blake and Taylor)
Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Grandparents (Margret and Joseph)
Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Siblings (Sarah and Lou)
Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Parents  + Lennon’s Siblings (immediate family)
Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Parents  + Lennon’s Siblings + Lennon’s Grandparents + Lennon’s Aunts and Uncles (extended family)
Lennon + Finley + Lennon’s Parents  + Lennon’s Siblings + Finley’s Parents + Finley’s Siblings (immediate family on both sides)
Lennon + Finley + Finley’s Parents (Kyle and Drew, and James)
Lennon + Finley + Finley’s Grandparents (Dorothy and Michael)
Lennon + Finley + Finley’s Siblings (Lise, Jodi and Blair)
Lennon + Finley + Finley’s Parents  + Finley’s Siblings (immediate family)
Lennon + Finley + Finley’s Parents  + Finley’s Siblings + Finley’s Grandparents + Finley’s Aunts and Uncles (extended family)